The Impostor
Mar 13, 2022
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A group of people in a room. All of them, except one, share a characteristic. The objective of the game is to discover who is lying about having that characteristic.
For a few minutes, they can discuss and ask questions among themselves to figure out who is deceiving them. At the end of each round, they will vote to remove someone from the room. After that, they can decide whether to continue playing or to stop the game. If they choose to end it and the impostor is still among them, they lose.
Under this concept, JuanSGuarnizo organized, in collaboration with Eufonia Studio, some debates within Minecraft among groups of people. In a television studio recreated within the game, the event was broadcasted on his Twitch channel on March 13, 2022, and averaged over 41,000 viewers.
The event consisted of two rounds with six players each. Among the winners, they shared a prize of $500. On both occasions, the participants managed to eject the impostor from the room.