Dedsafio Bingo 2
Aug 28, 2023
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The second edition of Dedsafío Bingo took place from August 28 to 30, 2023. Dedsafio is a brand of tournaments and events held in many video games, all organized by ElDed. 160 content creators competed for various cash prizes, as Dedsafío Bingo 2 was a collaboration with Twitch Rivals, with a total of $100,000 in prizes.
In this second edition, the event peaked at over 191,000 viewers, averaging more than 145,000 throughout the competition.
The first day of the event involved completing cards with different in-game items, essentially a traditional Minecraft bingo. It featured five rounds, distributed in individual, pairs, and team challenges.
The card on the second day proposed different in-game challenges, with the same number of rounds. The last day's card was similar to the previous one but included the Dedsafio Minecraft roulette.