
Dedsafio Bingo 1

Oct 1, 2021


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The first edition of Dedsafío Bingo took place on October 1, 2021, featuring more than 120 content creators. Dedsafio is a brand of tournaments and events held in many video games, all organized by ElDed.

The event peaked at over 193,000 viewers, averaging more than 161,000 throughout the competition.

But what is bingo and how does it work? Each player receives a card, in this case, a five-by-five grid. The goal is to be the first to complete a specific pattern on the card to earn points, such as a horizontal, vertical, diagonal line, or ideally, the entire card. Achieving the latter means the player has scored a "Bingo."

In Dedsafío, content creators competed in 4 rounds, spread across different parts of the map. The first was an individual phase, the second in pairs, and the remaining in teams of four. In the first two rounds, participants attempted to complete the card by obtaining various Minecraft items. In the others, the challenges were more complex, involving various dynamics and tasks created for the event.

The team consisting of Spreen, RenRize, SoyPandaMx and ClauDiamonds won the event with a prize of $10,000. Additionally, $25,000 in prizes were distributed, as Dedsafío Bingo 1 was in collaboration with Twitch Rivals.

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